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After Market ECU in Corrado G60

Work in progress

G60 (code PG) engine came equipped with Digifant engine management. This is all electornic and can also be reprogrammed with custom chips which can be even found from Ebay (I dont recommend). But same time this ecu also show some age, with only narrow-band oxygen sensor, distributor etc. Since its all digital, convertion to aftermarket ECU is “relatively easy”. I have run G60 with Megasquirt and now later making new build based on MaxxEcu. Here are some notes, I'ven taken.


G60 has 4-teeth Hall sensor inside distributor. There is 3-wire connector. Pinout

  1. Ground (ECU)
  2. Signal (ECU)
  3. +12V (ECU)

It works also with +5V. With Megasquirt you probably need 1k pullup resistor between +5V and signal wires. Harness connector is probably something you need to take from original harness. Junior Power Timer pins fits into this.

For upgrade you can look trigger wheel found from newer VW:s part number 036105189C . This is 60-2 trigger wheel found in many later VW engines and is actually backwards compatible. It installs as crankshaft seal undel flywheel, so it is a lot work to install since you have to remove gearbox, clutch and flywheel in order to install it. On the otherhand this will be very protected location. Triggerwheel is just pressed on crankshaft. One flange bolt hole is misaligned to block holes, I drilled and tapped new hole though it probably would be fine without it.

For this triggerwheel I have Hall sensor, partnumber 030957147 (X). In my understanding VR sensor should also exists but I have no number for that.Clutch housing has small steelplate covering hole behing engine block, this needs small cut for the sensor wire.

corrado/after_market_ecu_on_g60.1595363533.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/21 23:32 by admintomi